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Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne / cf / 514-02368

Grand Caprice Fantastique Sur Un Theme Original Op. 1


Henryk Wieniawski

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Wieniawski: a name that gives violinists either chills or delight. One of the greatest composers for the instrument and one of its outstanding practitioners, Wieniawski has written one showpiece after another. The Opus 1, product of the 12-year-old composer, may well serve as an introduction to the man’s output; certainly, it contains many of the tricks and techniques he would use and develop in his later works. Editor Cofalik has taken the original (and only!) edition of some 150 years ago and corrected many of the errors and oversights, and has included detailed fingering, bowings, and dynamics. The Grand Caprice Fantastique will serve to open the door to Wieniawski’s more demanding works, along with those of Paganini and Ernst.

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Category: Instrumental
Voicing/Instrument: Piano, Violin